Savings calculator

MyBudget’s Savings Calculator helps you set, track, and achieve your savings goals effortlessly, calculate monthly deposits, watch your savings grow, and start planning today.

An image titled "Savings calculator" displays a digital savings tool with the prompt "Use the guide below to plan your savings goal." The calculator on the screen suggests an interactive tool to help users set and track their financial goals, with a MyBudget interface visible.

Got a savings goal? Whether it’s that dream holiday, a new set of wheels, or maybe just a little extra for a rainy day, setting up a solid plan can make it so much easier. Our Savings Calculator is here to do the math so you don’t have to; just pop in your goal amount, how long you’ve got, and any initial deposit, and watch your personalised savings plan take shape!

Why saving is important

Saving isn’t just about saying “no” to takeout (although it helps!) it’s about giving yourself the freedom to say “yes” to what really matters. By putting a little aside each month, you’re building a savings balance, funding your future dreams, and, let’s be honest, giving yourself a little peace of mind.

How to stay on track with your savings goals

Sticking to a savings plan can feel like a marathon, but the right approach turns it into more of a power walk. Set realistic savings goals, keep an eye on your spending, and watch your savings balance grow over time. And don’t forget to check in on your progress; it’s a great motivator!

Tips to reach your savings target faster

Want to speed things up? Set up automatic transfers to a dedicated savings account, give the non-essentials a trim, and maybe use our Personal Budget Template to track where every dollar’s going. You might be surprised at how quickly it adds up!

Start your savings journey with MyBudget

You don’t have to go it alone, especially when there are over 130,000 Aussies who’ve already joined the MyBudget family! We’re here to cheer you on, keep you focused, and help make your savings plan stick. So, start with our savings calculator and when you’re ready for that extra boost, enquire online or give us a call on 1300 300 922. We’ve got the tips, tools, and a team that’s genuinely excited to help you reach your goals.

This article has been prepared for information purposes only, and does not constitute personal financial advice. The information has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information in this article you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.

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