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Identity verification

As a financial services company, we are required to confirm your personal details and verify your identity. We do this via FrankieOne.

FrankieOne is used by the world’s leading financial institutions for their onboarding and ongoing compliance requirements.

know your customer

Fully secure

FrankieOne works through a highly secure, encrypted connection to verify you are who you say you are.
know your customer

Quick and easy

It only takes a couple of minutes to complete enabling MyBudget to onboard clients securely while meeting compliance requirements.

Trusted worldwide

FrankieOne is used by the world’s leading financial institutions for their onboarding and ongoing compliance requirements.
We’re committed to protecting your privacy and safeguarding your personal information. Please take time to read through the FrankieOne privacy policy and the MyBudget privacy policy to ensure you’re aware of how we will use your personal information.